Under Construction ISBN: 0-9688212-5-1 Price: US$13.75
This popular 64-page book is a reprint of the same title published in 2001. It is a collection of introspective poems on love, life and relationships, done mostly in rhyme.
This 68-page book, published by Terebi Publications, is a collection of JMariah's earlier works of free verse, published under the name Joan M. Stevens.
Dear Single Mothers ISBN: 0-9688212-0-0 Price: US$9.12 This spiral bound chapbook is a collection of Christian articles written for single parents (helpful for fathers too).
Back To Basic Writing: Grades 1-3 ISBN: 0-9688212-3-5 Price: US$13.85 This 99-page reproducible workbook with exercises on writing, is perfect for supplementing your children's school lessons.
I am a published poet. I am a passionate writer, dedicated to stirring the minds and moving the hearts of my readers. And my life's goal is to inspire others to write.